The SCAR Open Science Conferences are the world's premier Antarctic science meetings and are held every two years to draw attention to Antarctic issues.

The SCAR Open Science Conferences offer scientists from various disciplines and countries the opportunity to present their work, network and participate more actively in SCAR’s scientific activities.

SCAR and the Norwegian Polar Institute are pleased to invite you to the 12th SCAR Open Science Conference, in Oslo, Norway, from 8–18 August 2026.

The SCAR Open Science Conference 2026 comprises a diverse program featuring plenary lectures, mini-symposia, parallel sessions, panel discussions, posters, and various social and excursion opportunities in Oslo, Norway, and its surroundings.

About SCAR 2026

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), was established in 1958 by the 12 countries that had been active in the International Geophysical Year. It is a non-governmental organisation and is a thematic organisation of the International Science Council (ISC), and currently includes 46 member countries and 9 ISC unions. SCAR initiates, develops and coordinates international research in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. As well as facilitating science, SCAR’s advice plays a crucial role in decision making processes.

In 2021, the Norwegian Polar Institute, presented Norway’s candidacy to host SCAR’s Open Science Conference and Biennial Meetings in 2026.  Norway was selected and will host the SCAR OSC in Oslo in the period 8–18 August 2026. The conference is planned as an in-person conference with some hybrid facilities.



Programme at a glance

Saturday 08/08

Side Meetings

Sunday 09/08

Side Meetings

Monday 10/08

Open Science Conference

Tuesday 11/08

Open Science Conference

Wednesday 12/08

Business Meeting

Thursday 13/08

Open Science Conference

Friday 14/08

Open Science Conference

Saturday 15/08

Side Meetings

Sunday 16/08

Side Meetings

Monday 17/08

Delegates Meeting

Tuesday 18/08

Delegates Meeting