The Ny-Ålesund Terrestrial Flagship is one of four NySMAC flagship programs. The aims for the flagship are to coordinate and integrate international and national ecosystem-based research on tundra, fresh water and soil in and around Ny-Ålesund, to assess their sensitivity and resilience to environmental changes.

The side meeting will build on the previous Terrestrial flagship activities. The aims are to further develop and re-inforce the cooperation with the Terrestrial Flagship in Ny-Ålesund.

We are planning two main sessions for the side meeting:

Finish a scientific review and opinion publication with a writing team

The publication will build on previous SSF funded workshops in Ny-Ålesund (August 2018) and Longyearbyen (October 2019) where we started to draft a common paper aiming to:

  1. Describe the system
  2. Identify the most important ecosystem components and interactions that can be a platform for further research
  3. Identify the main gaps in current work
  4. Recommend future studies that will contribute to missing knowledge.

The side meeting will focus on finishing this paper and discuss future joint activities within the flagship. The manuscript will focus on

  • an overall integration of processes and fluxes
  • studying the sensitivity and resilience of the terrestrial biome in Ny-Ålesund to climate change
  • consider different levels of ecosystem organization by taking levels of space and time into account.

The manuscript will have an integrated ecosystem approach with an overview of identified trophic links within and between ecosystems and relevant parameters. The focus of this manuscript is on annual variability, gradual changes and ecosystem resilience.

UPDATE 28/11/19:

The online registration is closed. If you would like to participate, please contact Christina at


The venue will be Scandic Fornebu Oslo, Norway the same location as SSC2019.

Draft agenda

09:00-09:30: Welcome by Maarten Loonen – short summary of Flagship activities to date.

09:30-12:00: Structured writing groups to contribute to the joint publication –aiming to identify the main gaps and future direction for terrestrial research in the High-Arctic.

12:00-12:30: Lunch 

12:30-14:00: Plan the next steps for the Terrestrial Flagship activities. Common discussion in plenum. 14:00-14:30: Coffee break

14:30-17:30: Summary of writing groups contributions – final discussion on gaps and needs and future cooperation between flagships

19:00:  Dinner


We ask interested scientists to register.

If there are more than 20 interested, we will prioritize persons to have each research group, topic, institute or site represented.


The flagship received support from RCN to organize this one-day side meeting. We have funds to support scientists with airfare to Oslo, hotel (for maximum 2 nights Sunday-Tuesday) and meeting costs (including workshop dinner). We can cover airfare for up to 4000 NOK, and hotel for up to 3000 NOK.

NB! We do not have funds to support more scientists for travel and hotel. If you anyway would like to take part in the workshop, you can join the meeting and dinner, but we can not support travel and hotel.