The Norwegian Polar Institute runs management-oriented scientific research, mapping and monitoring in the Arctic and Antarctica. Climate, environmental pollutants, biodiversity and geological mapping are important fields of work for the institute.
The Norwegian Polar Institute runs management-oriented scientific research, mapping and monitoring in the Arctic and Antarctica. Climate, environmental pollutants, biodiversity and geological mapping are important fields of work for the institute.
The Norwegian Polar Institute runs management-oriented scientific research, mapping and monitoring in the Arctic and Antarctica. Climate, environmental pollutants, biodiversity and geological mapping are important fields of work for the institute.
The section works with various aspects of glaciology, atmospheric science, meteorology, palaeoclimate, marine geology and bedrock geology, both in the Arctic and Antarctic. Much of the research is directly based on field observations and gives us important information about climate change and effects in the polar system.
Tasks involve monitoring, mapping and process studies.
We have been taking regular snow samples in Ny-Ålesund since 2009. These samples are analysed to determine the content of soot (black carbon) in the snow. Soot particles from the atmosphere are deposited on the snow and contribute to warming through the albedo effect. We take samples both at Austre Brøggerbreen and at Gruvebadet in Ny-Ålesund.
Atmospheric radiation is continuously measured at the Zeppelin Observatory in Ny-Ålesund and at the Troll Research Station in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Both sites have instruments mounted on a platform which moves with the sun, enabling us to measure the light that comes directly from the sun separately from what is dispersed by the atmosphere and originates from the rest of the sky. One instrument measures all incoming sunlight from all directions, while another measures infrared light radiated by the atmosphere. Using these measurements, we are able to monitor an important part of the climate system – the energy that is available to heat the surface of the Earth. We can also better understand the importance of processes in the atmosphere that affect sunlight and the radiation of infrared light (e.g. clouds).
The mass balance of certain glaciers is measured in the field by obtaining data in the spring and autumn. This data is used to calculate the winter balance (accumulation) and summer balance (melting), which are then added together to produce the net balance, the annual state of health of the glacier between two consecutive autumn measurements. The mass balance primarily depends on precipitation in the winter and temperature in the summer, but calving and marine melting are also important for some glaciers which terminate in the sea.
Mass balance is measured in the field for only a few glaciers in Svalbard, which are located almost exclusively along the west coast of Spitsbergen. The Norwegian Polar Institute is currently measuring the mass balance of four glaciers in the Kongsfjord area: Austre Brøggerbreen (since 1967), Midtre Lovénbreen (since 1968), Kongsvegen (since 1987) and Kronebreen/Holtedahlfonna (since 2003).
The Norwegian Polar Institute and the University of Oslo are cooperating concerning the taking of mass balance measurements on Etonbreen, an arm of Austfonna. Austfonna is the largest ice cap in Svalbard and has been monitored using a weather station and annual mass balance measurements since 2004. Extensive, gently sloping formations and relatively easy access make Austfonna ideal for the calibration and validation of satellite data and climate models with relevance to the larger ice masses of Greenland and Antarctica. As part of the CryoVEX programme of the European Space Agency (ESA), regular programmes have been carried out using coordinated aerial and ground-based readings for comparison with satellite data. The mass balances from Etonbreen on Austfonna form part of the climate monitoring being carried out under MOSJ with annual updates.
Read more about measuring the mass balance of glaciers in Svalbard (MOSJ)
The ultimate goal of this project is to contribute data for a future deep ice core borehole in order to find 1.5-million year old ice from East Antarctica
The first phase of the project is being funded through the EU Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action call (2016 – 2019), which involves a consortium of 14 European institutions, including the Norwegian Polar Institute.
Dome C and Dome F are the two candidates defined in the first phase. The Beyond EPICA project comprises several phases involving drilling and analysis, which will continue over the next ten years.
Observations of various atmospheric and glaciological aspects of the equilibrium line altitude at Kongsvegen will contribute to mass balance modelling and process understanding, as well as improved monitoring of the extensive area of Spitsbergen that is covered by glaciers.
TIdewater Glacier Retreat Impact on Fjord circulation and ecosystems
The main objective is to assess what happens to fjord circulation and ecosystems when tidewater glaciers retreat to the point where they no longer terminate in water but on dry land. This will be done using an ocean circulation model and scenarios of glacier retreat. Modelling will be performed on the Kongsfjord system in north-western Svalbard. This project has been financed by the Research Council of Norway (program HAVKYST).
This project examines the deepest ice sheet in Antarctica (Dome Fuji), the oldest atmospheric gas archive in the world, primarily by analyzing ice radar data. This region probably has ice that is around a million years old.
The Nansen Legacy is a novel and holistic Arctic research project that provides the integrated scien-tific knowledge base required for the sustainable management through the 21st century of the environment and marine resources of the Barents Sea and adjacent Arctic Basin.
An ice-free Arctic is gradually emerging. Wintertime sea ice retreat is to date most pronounced in the Barents Sea, the Atlantic gateway to the Arctic. The knowledge basis for sustainable management of this changing environment and the associated resources is an urgent scientific challenge.
NARE Geology is a survey and research programme in Dronning Maud Land.
Most of the Antarctic is covered by ice, but where the mountains project up out of the ice, they are completely devoid of vegetation, giving geologists a unique opportunity to study the origins of the bedrock and the various geological process which have impacted on the Earth’s crust. Through field expeditions, the Norwegian Polar Institute collects geological map data, rock samples and field observations. Key scientific questions for NARE Geology are linked to metamorphic, structural, geochronological and tectonic studies of the mountain chain.
GoNorth is a consortium made up of research groups from Norwegian universities and institutions. The purpose is to explore the Arctic Ocean from the underground, the seabed, the water and even the newspaper through joint multidisciplinary research.
The oceanography section works with ocean physics and marine biogeochemistry with a focus on the polar sea areas in the Fram Strait, in the Arctic Ocean and in the Southern Ocean north of Queen Maud Land in Antarctica.
Central activities are the maintenance of long measurement time series for monitoring changes in the sea, and management-oriented research for knowledge development and advice on climate and interdisciplinary collaborations with adjacent professional fields such as e.g. marine biology, sea ice and glaciology.
The section works extensively with the acquisition of data through extensive cruise and observation activities in the polar regions. The analyzes are often supplemented with data from satellite-based remote sensing and numerical modeling.
This long-term project monitors the ocean currents and sea ice leaving the Arctic Ocean through Fram Strait.
The project maintains a mooring array which provides a continuous, high-resolution time series of temperature, salinity, velocity and sea ice thickness measurements in the Arctic outflow. Additional measurements, as well as water samples and sea ice cores are collected along an annually repeated section every September when the mooring array is serviced.
The Fimbul Ice Shelf is an ice shelf located in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The aim of the expedition to the Fimbul Ice Shelf is to understand the interaction between the Antarctic ice sheet and the ocean.
Our work studies connected atmosphere-ice shelf-sea ice-ocean processes, melting processes, and hydrography and circulation in the ocean underneath and north of the floating ice. The interactions between the ocean and the cryosphere in Antarctica are important processes for regional and global climate, and for the ecosystem.
The physical ocean system is closely linked to the carbon cycle and the marine ecosystem. Together with international partners, the Norwegian Polar Institute (NP) will contribute to improving the understanding of processes and systems, so that we can see how the ecosystem adapts.
Through TONe, NP and UiB will further develop existing ocean rigs and oceanographic measurements over the continental shelf at 6°E by harmonizing instruments to national standards. We also set up sound sources so that we can bring autonomous gliders for additional data collection under the ice. The rigs are maintained from the established TrollTransekttokt – whose objective is to use the annual supply ship to Troll as a platform for regular marine observations.
Long-term variability and trends in the Atlantic Water inflow region (A-TWAIN)
Warm water that flows northward from the Atlantic and into the Arctic Ocean plays a crucial role for regional environmental conditions. The Fram Centre ‘Arctic Ocean’ project A-TWAIN collects data on the variability and changes in the Atlantic Water that enters the Arctic Ocean north of Svalbard, through moorings and bi-annual ship-borne surveys.
Sustainable Development of the Arctic Ocean (SUDARCO)
The marine ecosystem in the Arctic Ocean is heavily understudied, but existing research suggests that it is challenged by the large and rapid changes in the environment. Expectations of increased human activity create a need for updated management instruments and guidelines. This requires an integrated management approach, and then we need a reliable understanding of the areas that have recently become, or will soon become, available.
Our overall goals are therefore to identify and collect the core observations needed to understand the newly accessible marine environment and ecosystem, and to synthesize and disseminate the knowledge needed to ensure the safe and sustainable use of these areas.
The Nansen Legacy is a novel and holistic Arctic research project that provides the integrated scien-tific knowledge base required for the sustainable management through the 21st century of the environment and marine resources of the Barents Sea and adjacent Arctic Basin.
An ice-free Arctic is gradually emerging. Wintertime sea ice retreat is to date most pronounced in the Barents Sea, the Atlantic gateway to the Arctic. The knowledge basis for sustainable management of this changing environment and the associated resources is an urgent scientific challenge.
Ocean-Cryosphere Exchanges in ANtarctica: Impacts on Climate and the Earth System (OCEAN:ICE)
OCEAN:ICE will assess the impacts of key Antarctic Ice Sheet and Southern Ocean processes on Planet Earth, via their influence on sea level rise, deep water formation, ocean circulation and climate. An innovative and ambitious combination of observations and numerical models, including coupled ice sheet-climate model development, will be used to improve predictions of how changes in the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets impact global climate. It will make new circumpolar and Atlantic observations in observational gaps. It will assimilate these and existing data into improved ice sheet boundary conditions and forcing, producing new estimates of ice sheet melt and impacts on ocean circulation, including the Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation. It will develop, calibrate and assess models used to predict the future evolution of the giant ice sheets. It will reduce the deep uncertainty in the impact of their melt on societally relevant environmental changes on decadal to multi-centennial time scales. It will assess the potential for passing ice sheet ‘tipping points’ and their consequences for ocean circulation and climate.
OCEAN:ICE er et nytt Horizon Europe-prosjekt, finansiert av EU-kommisjonen og UKRI. Prosjektet starter 1. november 2022 og vil pågå i 4 år frem til 31. oktober 2026.
COMFORT is a Research and Innovation Action project funded under the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges programme of the European Union.
COMFORT will close knowledge gaps for key ocean tipping elements within the Earth system under anthropogenic physical and chemical climate forcing through a coherent interdisciplinary research approach, and aims to provide added value to decision and policy makers in terms of science-based safe marine operating spaces, refined climate mitigation targets, and feasible long-term mitigation pathways. It focuses on the triple threat of (1) warming, (2) deoxygenation, and (3) ocean acidification, and how to optimally deal with this threat.
Explaining and predicting the ocean conveyor (EPOC)
Generating a new concept of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), its function in the Earth system and how it impacts weather and climate.
EPOC will generate a new conceptual framework for the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, to understand how it functions in the Earth system, and how it impacts weather and climate. The AMOC is a key component of the climate system, responsible for ocean heat and freshwater transport, associated with the ventilation of anthropogenic carbon, and anticipated to experience or drive climate tipping points. However, the link between ocean transport, ventilation and tipping points relies on the common conceptual view of the AMOC as a ‘great ocean conveyor’ which was developed to explain very long timescale (glacial-interglacial) fluctuations in climate. The conveyor belt schematic conflates millennial timescales with human timescales (days to 100 years), leading to misconceptions by the observing and modelling communities, and misplaced expectations about the AMOC’s role in climate.
The sea ice section works with the specialist areas related to monitoring and research on sea ice and its physical properties.
The work contributes to the institute’s expertise in advising on the current status and changes in sea ice properties in the polar regions, as well as quantifying and mapping these properties and the changes in them. Jointly, the understanding of processes in the polar regions is increased in order to improve climate and process models and future forecasts.
Particular emphasis is placed on long-term monitoring of the sea ice status, changes and the processes that lead to the changes in the regions of the Fram Strait, around Svalbard, the Arctic Ocean north of Svalbard and the Southern Ocean north of Dronning Maud Land.
This long-term project monitors the ocean currents and sea ice leaving the Arctic Ocean through Fram Strait.
The project maintains a mooring array which provides a continuous, high-resolution time series of temperature, salinity, velocity and sea ice thickness measurements in the Arctic outflow. Additional measurements, as well as water samples and sea ice cores are collected along an annually repeated section every September when the mooring array is serviced.
Pan-Arctic observing System of Systems: Implementing Observations for societal Needs
The project will develop an integrated, comprehensive, pan-Arctic observation system, through international cooperation.
Under the leadership of the German Alfred Wegener Institutt (AWI) 35 partners in 17 countries will work for further development, better coordination, and contribute to wider use of observation data from the comprehensive Arctic observation system. User groups are the local population in the Arctic, research environments, business and authorities.
The Norwegian Polar Institute will deploy instrument rigs for long time series in the Arctic Ocean, and deploy buoys for sea ice measurements. The ice-going research vessel Crown Prince Haakon will be an important platform for this work.
Ridges – Safe HAVens for ice-associated Flora and Fauna in a Seasonally ice-covered Arctic OCean (HAVOC)
HAVOC skal studere haviskantens rolle i den stadig tynnere isen i Polhavet. Samtidig som isen blir tynnere har de tykkeste delene av isdekket større sjanse til å overleve sommersmeltingen og dermed bidra som siste habitat for is-assosiert flora og fauna. Prosjektet skal delta i den internasjonale MOSAiC? -ekspedisjonen i 2019–2020. Prosjektet er et samarbeid med flere Norske og internasjonale institusjoner.
The Nansen Legacy is a novel and holistic Arctic research project that provides the integrated scien-tific knowledge base required for the sustainable management through the 21st century of the environment and marine resources of the Barents Sea and adjacent Arctic Basin.
An ice-free Arctic is gradually emerging. Wintertime sea ice retreat is to date most pronounced in the Barents Sea, the Atlantic gateway to the Arctic. The knowledge basis for sustainable management of this changing environment and the associated resources is an urgent scientific challenge.
Climate Relevant interactions and feedbacks: the key role of sea ice and Snow in the polar and global climate system
The CRiceS project focuses on improving model predictions of the role of polar processes in the climate system that consists of the oceans, ice and snow cover, and the atmosphere.
The CRiceS project brings together 20 international research teams, from Europe, Canada, South Africa, and India, at the forefront of polar and global climate research. The CRiceS research project aims to enhance the modelling of the impacts that these regions have for the global climate.
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The Marin Ecology Section works on marine ecological research challenges in polar marine waters, included the Arctic Ocean, fjords in Svalbard the marine waters around the archipelago, and in the Southern Ocean north of Queen Maud Land.
The section focuses on the lower trophic levels in marine food chains, from plankton to fish, but also works on changes in the entire food webs related to climate with increasing temperatures and declining sea ice, including work on modeling. We participate in the research network Arctos (Arctic Marine Research Network).
Researchers in the section contribute marine ecological knowledge into management processes and take part in working groups that assemble reports on polar marine areas, coasts and fjords. This includes evaluation of particularly valuable and vulnerable marine areas, marine protection areas, and assessment of trends and pressures in the Barents Sea and the Central Arctic Ocean.
Deltar på arbeidspakkene RAC, RF2, RF3.
The Nansen Legacy is a novel and holistic Arctic research project that provides the integrated scien-tific knowledge base required for the sustainable management through the 21st century of the environment and marine resources of the Barents Sea and adjacent Arctic Basin.
An ice-free Arctic is gradually emerging. Wintertime sea ice retreat is to date most pronounced in the Barents Sea, the Atlantic gateway to the Arctic. The knowledge basis for sustainable management of this changing environment and the associated resources is an urgent scientific challenge.
Climate Relevant interactions and feedbacks: the key role of sea ice and Snow in the polar and global climate system
The CRiceS project focuses on improving model predictions of the role of polar processes in the climate system that consists of the oceans, ice and snow cover, and the atmosphere.
The CRiceS project brings together 20 international research teams, from Europe, Canada, South Africa, and India, at the forefront of polar and global climate research. The CRiceS research project aims to enhance the modelling of the impacts that these regions have for the global climate.
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FACE-IT aims to enable adaptive co-management of social-ecological fjord systems in the Arctic in the face of rapid cryosphere and biodiversity changes.
Glacier fronts and sea ice systems are hotspots of biodiversity. Their retreat will pose threats to Arctic coastal ecosystem function and eventually local livelihoods. The Arctic is a harbinger of the consequences of multiple global and regional environmental change on ecosystems and livelihoods: The overarching objective of FACE-IT is to enable adaptive co-management of social-ecological fjord systems in the Arctic in the face of rapid cryosphere and biodiversity changes.
Impact of CRYosphere Melting on Southern Ocean Ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles (I-CRYME)
Global warming is transforming Antarctica; melting the cryosphere (the ice caps, the glaciers and the sea ice); affecting the Southern Ocean physical dynamics and elemental cycles; and impacting the marine ecosystems and their capacity to absorb the atmospheric CO2 emitted by men.
The Southern Ocean is both home to rich ecosystems and a place where atmospheric CO2 is efficiently absorbed by the Ocean. A large part of this atmospheric CO2 is absorbed by phytoplankton and sea-ice algae which are limited by the availability of iron, a bio-essential element. Iron and other nutrients are highly concentrated within the cryosphere. The release of these elements and changes in the ocean dynamics linked to the melting cryosphere will have large consequences on marine ecosystems, their biodiversity and productivity. These consequences are not yet understood and research to improve our understanding is critical to predicting future changes.
This project aims to understand and quantify the impact of the melting cryosphere on the marine ecosystem of the Kong Håkon VII Sea, in the Southern Ocean. Towards this goal, I-CRYME combines field, laboratory and modelling activities that will generate novel datasets. The project utilizes the Research Vessel Kronprins Haakon, the Supply Vessel Silver Arctica that is commissioned annually by NPI to carry out research in the Southern Ocean; innovative technologies such as the TRIAXUS towed vehicle and long-term monitoring by deep-sea moorings in the area. The research activities will allow us to quantify the physical and biogeochemical properties during a time of rapid environmental change and to measure the response of the microbial community to the biogeochemical enrichment caused by the melting cryosphere. The project outcomes will shift our understanding of key processes in the Southern Ocean and improve our predictions of the future of its physical dynamics, its ecosystems and elemental cycles.
Bottom-sea ice Respiration and nutrient Exchanges Assessed for THE Arctic (BREATHE)
Polar amplification of global warming has transformed the Arctic marine system and its sea ice cover. Reductions of ice thickness, distribution and extent have substantially impacted sea ice habitats and the microorganisms living within them. Algae are important members of sea ice microbial communities; their spring bloom kick-starts annual primary production that contributes to trophic function and carbon cycling in the marine ecosystem. However, current estimates and modeled projections of sea ice algal productivity are compromised by incomplete characterization of two key processes, i) turbulence-driven nutrient supply and, ii) algal respiratory costs of living in a harsh ice environment. Furthermore, inherent methodological constraints of studying sea ice has meant an underrepresentation of in situ measurements that are unbiased by experimental artifacts and thus invaluable for our understanding sea ice habitats. The BREATHE project will combine in situ, experimental and model-based approaches to address knowledge gaps on turbulent nutrient supply and ice algal respiration, with results that improve the accuracy of current and projected ice algal production estimates. Towards this purpose the project will develop and apply state-of-the-art O2 methods for the study of sea ice biogeochemistry. It will complete fieldwork in contrasting regions of the Arctic to characterize productivity and turbulence-driven nutrient regimes of different sea ice habitats, which will inform innovative experiments that provide the first empirical description of ice algal respiration and its variability. Integrated modeling will provide the unique opportunity to implement and directly test parameterizations of respiratory and nutrient processes, before they are applied for prediction. Project outcomes will represent a paradigm shift in our understanding of sea ice primary production, with implications for the management of ecosystem services it supports like, greenhouse gas regulation.
Arctic Marine Evolution: using local adaptation to infer future evolutionary responses of Calanus copepods to a changing environment (EvoCal)
Predicting the effects of climate change on Norwegian and Arctic marine biodiversity is crucial for a sustainable conservation of productive national marine resources. Increasingly, however, scientists are recognizing that model predictions of the effects of future climate change on organisms must include accurate estimations of their capacity (or lack thereof) to acclimatize or adapt to the predicted changes over time. While difficult to quantify in real time, we can use past adaptation to environmental gradients in single species to infer their capacity to adapt to future environmental change. The EvoCal project will determine the capacity of Calanus copepods C. finmarchicus and C. glacialis, key species in the food web of the North Atlantic and the Arctic, to track future environmental change via acclimatization and adaptation. To do this, we will compare the environmental tolerance ranges to temperature, pH and salinity of distinct populations along the significant environmental gradient of Norwegian coastlines, from productive temperate waters to the ice-covered high Arctic. If they have been able to adapt their physiology to match these diverse environments in the past, a phenomenon known as local adaptation, they are likely to have the capacity to adapt to track and survive in the face of future environmental change. We will 1) employ state-of-the-art sensors to characterize the variability and diversity of environments that Calanus experiences throughout its range in Norwegian waters and link that to its distribution, 2) use new genetic tools that have recently upended traditional Calanus distribution maps and provided increased ability to detect population genetic structure, 3) investigate intra-species, inter-population physiological variability by quantifying population-specific responses to climate-related environmental drivers: temperature, pH, and salinity. If tolerance ranges vary intraspecifically, the species may be able to adapt in the future.
Centre for ice, Cryosphere, Carbon and Climate (iC3)
Bringing together world-leading experts, the new Centre of Excellence, Centre for ice, Cryosphere, Carbon and Climate (iC3) will fill a vital knowledge gap in polar science by quantifying impacts of ice sheet change on Earth’s carbon cycle and sensitive ocean ecosystems.
Arctic marine mammals in a time of climate change: a Kongsfjorden Case Study (ARK)
Declines in sea ice (volume, extent, seasonal coverage) and melting and retraction of tidewater glaciers in the Arctic are particularly visible signs of change that is occurring due to global warming. Degradation of both of these physical features of Arctic marine systems are happening more rapidly in the northern Barents Sea than elsewhere in the circumpolar Arctic making the Norwegian High Arctic is a bellwether of climate change for the entire region. The shrinking of sympagic habitats and concomitant Atlantification of Arctic food webs, will undoubtedly have profound implications for marine ecosystems in the High North; the expected implications for endemic Arctic marine mammal species have been described as “transformative”. The ARK research programme will use a variety of “captured” and extended data time series (abundance, ecology, diet, contaminant levels, disease/health, trophic interactions etc) to quantitatively test four principle hypotheses regarding how marine mammals (especially resident endemic Arctic seals but also other species) are being impacted by global warming: 1) H1 – Declining ice habitats will induce abundance declines in ice-dependent species and result in redistributions, and over longer time frames extirpations; 2) H1 – Arctic endemic species will face increasing competition from temperate species that are expanding their ranges; 3) H1 – the health of Arctic endemic species will be negatively impacted by increasing exposure to diseases and increased impacts of contaminants and 4) H1 – Atlantification of food webs will affect Arctic marine mammals negatively, creating risks of cascading impacts through Arctic ecosystems. ARK will take a case-study approach, using Kongsfjorden on the west coast of the Svalbard Archipelago to explore ecosystems change, employing state-of-the-art physical-biogeochemical food web models and complex adaptive
Troll Observing Network (TONe) is a state-of-the-art, multi-platform, multi-disciplinary distributed observation network that will be established on and around the Norwegian research station Troll in Dronning Maud Land, in one of the most data-poor areas in Antarctica. The infrastructure will strengthen Norway’s position within Antarctic research and monitoring, and will give Norwegian and international researchers access to observational data as a basis for new knowledge useful to society.
TrollObsNetwork (Twitter)
TONe-ICO (blog)
The section researches how environmental pollution and plastics are part of Arctic food chains, their sources, accumulation and long-term trends. We study health effects in species high up in the food chain, as well as map how climate change affects environmental pollutions in the European Arctic.
Our focus is also on the ecology of marine mammals around Svalbard, in the Barents Sea, the Arctic Ocean and the Southern Ocean. In particular, research is being done on links to the physical surroundings in their habitats, the interaction with the rest of the ecosystem and how climate change affects the species.
Knowledge necessary for the management of huntable and threatened (red-listed) species dictates central research and monitoring themes. Studies that integrate knowledge about pollution, demography and ecology dominate the project portfolio.
Our environmental pollutants monitoring is included in the monitoring program MOSJ (Environmental monitoring of Svalbard and Jan Mayen).
The Norwegian Polar Institute is responsible for environmental pollutants monitoring in polar bears, Arctic fox, ringed seals, glaucous gulls, Brünnich’s guillemot and Harbour seals. The longest time series begins in the 1970s, while most species have been monitored since the early 1990s. Long-term monitoring of environmental pollutants adds knowledge about how emissions and climate-related changes affect levels of pollutants in arctic top predators.
Monitoring environmental pollutants
We also contribute to MOSJ with data on the composition of zooplankton in Kongsfjorden. The pelagic ecosystem in Kongsfjorden is affected by the influx of Atlantic and Arctic water, and our time series shows how changes in water masses affect the zooplankton community, which in turn affects higher trophic levels.
FACE-IT aims to enable adaptive co-management of social-ecological fjord systems in the Arctic in the face of rapid cryosphere and biodiversity changes.
Glacier fronts and sea ice systems are hotspots of biodiversity. Their retreat will pose threats to Arctic coastal ecosystem function and eventually local livelihoods. The Arctic is a harbinger of the consequences of multiple global and regional environmental change on ecosystems and livelihoods: The overarching objective of FACE-IT is to enable adaptive co-management of social-ecological fjord systems in the Arctic in the face of rapid cryosphere and biodiversity changes.
This programme is studying the prevalence and status of the three endemic ice-associated whales in Svalbard (bowhead whale, beluga whale and narwhal) in relation to climate changes and possible interactions with populations of summer-visiting whale species.
This programme also includes population size studies, studies of diet and health, as well as extensive tracking studies. Ongoing projects under this programme include satellite tracking of bowhead whale, beluga whale, fin whale and blue whale. An aerial count of whales along the coast of Svalbard, which was carried out in the summer of 2018, produced estimates of over 300 bowhead whale and 800 narwhal.
Analyses of several years of sound recordings from a passive acoustic receiver in the northwestern part of Framstredet has made it possible to study the acoustic environment in a key reproductive area for bowhead whale from the Svalbard population. The analyses show that this area is relatively unaffected by man-made sounds during the winter and that singing by these whales dominates the noise picture. However, noise from seismic activity is heard during an average of 12 hours a day during the summer months.
The Nansen Legacy is a novel and holistic Arctic research project that provides the integrated scien-tific knowledge base required for the sustainable management through the 21st century of the environment and marine resources of the Barents Sea and adjacent Arctic Basin.
An ice-free Arctic is gradually emerging. Wintertime sea ice retreat is to date most pronounced in the Barents Sea, the Atlantic gateway to the Arctic. The knowledge basis for sustainable management of this changing environment and the associated resources is an urgent scientific challenge.
The section carries out monitoring and research within the fields of terrestrial ecology and seabird ecology, with a focus on how changes in climate, environmental conditions and human activity affect plant, animal and bird populations in the Arctic and Antarctic.
Our research is largely based on long time series for biomass, population development, demography and food choice. We maintain the time series through annual fieldwork on Svalbard, Jan Mayen and in Dronning Maud Land (Antarctica). We also study the animals’ spatial behavior and habitat use through the use of various tracking techniques in the terrestrial and marine environment.
Our environmental pollutants monitoring is included in the monitoring program MOSJ (Environmental monitoring of Svalbard and Jan Mayen).
The Norwegian Polar Institute is responsible for environmental pollutants monitoring in polar bears, Arctic fox, ringed seals, glaucous gulls, Brünnich’s guillemot and Harbour seals. The longest time series begins in the 1970s, while most species have been monitored since the early 1990s. Long-term monitoring of environmental pollutants adds knowledge about how emissions and climate-related changes affect levels of pollutants in arctic top predators.
Monitoring environmental pollutants
We also contribute to MOSJ with data on the composition of zooplankton in Kongsfjorden. The pelagic ecosystem in Kongsfjorden is affected by the influx of Atlantic and Arctic water, and our time series shows how changes in water masses affect the zooplankton community, which in turn affects higher trophic levels.
Climate-Ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra (COAT)
COAT is a monitoring/observation programme created to document the effects of climate changes on Arctic tundra systems.
COAT Svalbard comprises several modules, covering arctic fox, Svalbard rock ptarmigan, Svalbard reindeer, geese and moss-tundra vegetation. The programme aims to demonstrate causal relationships between parts of the food web and climate changes and other anthropogenic influences.
COAT links the terrestrial monitoring being carried out under MOSJ (Environmental Monitoring of Svalbard and Jan Mayen) with the land module of SIOS (Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System) and the Fram Centre terrestrial flagship programmes.
SEAPOP (SEAbird POPulations) is a seabird monitoring programme which began back in 2005. The programme combines the long-term demographic monitoring of various populations with diet and tracking studies in order to determine the mechanisms which govern the population dynamics and prevalence of the seabirds.
In Svalbard and Jan Mayen, seven species are being monitored: common guillemot, thick-billed guillemot, kittiwake, glaucous gull, ivory gull, great skua and little auk. Fulmar, northern gannet and puffins are also being monitored.
SEATRACK aims to map the non-breeding distribution of seabirds breeding in colonies encircling the Barents, Norwegian and North Seas, which includes colonies in Russia, Norway incl. Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Great Britain.
No fewer than 11 species from 36 breeding colonies are being studied in this programme. Key marine areas are being mapped as regards the various species and colonies. The way in which the environmental conditions in the areas where the birds live outside the breeding season impact on the species’ demographics and population trends is also being studied.
To date, over 10,000 GLS loggers have been attached to birds from the five participating nations. SEA.TRACK has been a module to SEAPOP since 2014
Troll Observing Network (TONe) is a state-of-the-art, multi-platform, multi-disciplinary distributed observation network that will be established on and around the Norwegian research station Troll in Dronning Maud Land, in one of the most data-poor areas in Antarctica. The infrastructure will strengthen Norway’s position within Antarctic research and monitoring, and will give Norwegian and international researchers access to observational data as a basis for new knowledge useful to society.
TrollObsNetwork (Twitter)
TONe-ICO (blog)
FACE-IT aims to enable adaptive co-management of social-ecological fjord systems in the Arctic in the face of rapid cryosphere and biodiversity changes.
Glacier fronts and sea ice systems are hotspots of biodiversity. Their retreat will pose threats to Arctic coastal ecosystem function and eventually local livelihoods. The Arctic is a harbinger of the consequences of multiple global and regional environmental change on ecosystems and livelihoods: The overarching objective of FACE-IT is to enable adaptive co-management of social-ecological fjord systems in the Arctic in the face of rapid cryosphere and biodiversity changes.
Cumulative impact of multiple stressors in High North ecosystems (CLEAN)
The CLEAN project deals with the combined effect and risk associated with several stress factors in the ecosystems in the northern regions.
The project investigates how climate change, short- and long-range pollutants, species invasions and human activities, such as harvesting and aquaculture, jointly affect ecosystems, including goods and services in them. In addition, CLEAN evaluates the management challenges and opportunities to reduce the overall impact.